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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • These guidelines are fully consistent with the COPE Principles of Transparency and Best Practice Guidelines and the COPE Code of Conduct. More details can be found here:
    PJSEL, also adopt and encourage the best standards of publication ethics and take all possible measures against publication malpractices. In this context, the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) as a monitoring agency and the JEHAN FOUNDATION as publisher, takes its extremely serious to guard over all stages of publishing. We also recognize our ethical and other responsibilities with professional manner showing commitment.

Author Guidelines


Please note that the same article cannot be published both in the conference proceedings and in a journal.

Format of the Paper

Authors are asked to submit their papers in MS Word format via online submission process as indicated in “submission of paper”. Papers should be arranged in single column text, but after a paper is accepted for publication, the editorial team may format the paper according to the journal standard format/style. All submitted articles are refereed by academic specialists in the journal's field of coverage. Please use this template for your paper as given at the end.


All articles must be written in English. Those authors whose first language is not English should properly and carefully check/proof read their paper/s through a fluent English speaker/expert for language and grammar accuracy and appropriateness. Consistency of American spelling is required. 

Structure of the Article

Title Page


Body of the article includes tables, figures, etc
placed where they belong, findings, discussion etc
Appendices (if applicable)

Title Page

The manuscripts should contain a separate cover page and should contain the biographic, academic and professional details of author’s i.e. full name, qualification, current designation and institutional affiliation, areas of interest and email addresses. If the paper has been presented somewhere i.e. in seminar or conference, the date and venue of the presentation should be given. In the case of more than one author papers, one author should be mentioned as the corresponding author to whom queries and proofs will be sent. For this purpose, an e-mail address of the corresponding author should be provided.  The title of the article should contain no abbreviations or acronyms.


An abstract of not more than 250 words and not less than 150 words should be included at the beginning of the paper. It should briefly indicate the subject and scope of the paper, including study methodology and important results. Abstract should be submitted double-spaced on a separate page.


After the abstract a list of at least 5and maximum 8 key words should be given in alphabetical order. Keywords field should contain all the essential words or phrases of the title and of the abstract. Do not use brackets in the keywords field.


Although the layout of the main body of the paper will depend upon the subject of the paper, however, in general, a paper should include: Title Page, Abstract (250 words), Keywords, Introduction, Study statement, Literature Review, Methods and Procedure, Data Collection , Data Analysis, Summary/Conclusion, References (in APA format) Additional information (if applicable).

Body (for body of paper)

Format text and paragraph of body: 

  • FONT: 10-point – ARIAL
  • spacing 1.15 (MS OFFICE 2003,2007) or 14 point (MS OFFICE 2010-2013).
  • For mathematical symbols, Greek letters and other special characters, use normal text or Symbol font. 
  • Margins must be 2,4 cm on all sides.
  • All pages must be only portrait, no landscape.

LENGTH of the Article

The manuscript should be type written and single spaced. The length of the research paper should be between 3000-5000 words in length including title, abstract, main text, figures and tables excluding references. Language style should be academic without colloquialisms, slang, regionalisms, etc. The formalities of academic expression should be maintained.  The pages should be numbered serially. Body of the article usually includes review of literature, methodology and data propositions, analysis and findings.


Use the Microsoft Word table function to create tables. Tables and figures should be located in the text and numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals, i.e., Table 1 and Figure 1. Please prepare all figures, especially line diagrams, to the highest possible standards. Bear in mind that lettering may be reduced in size by a factor of 2 or 3, and that fine lines may disappear.  Further, diagrams in the paper if any shall be drawn without boundary boxes and should be presented in simple possible way. The diagrams should contain enough information to be understood with reference to the text. Further, any map included in the paper should include a compass point. Captions should be concise and be listed below the figure and above the table. When a paper is submitted all figures should be embedded into the main text file for review purposes, however, after acceptance of the paper a separate high resolution print quality figures will be required. Similarly, tables in the paper should be concise and as simple as possible. In case of tables, captions should appear above tables. 


Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.


Bottom of the page footnotes prohibited. If in some cases, necessary, it should be indicated by numerals placed in the text. Footnotes are for explanation and comments, as distinct from references; they may themselves contain references to the bibliography.


References should be cited in the text according to the APA reference system, that is, use the last name of the author(s), the date of publication and, following quoted material, the page references. The reference list should include every work cited in the text. Please ensure that dates, spelling and title used in the text are consistent with those listed in the References. References should be arranged alphabetically. The format for citations, endnotes, and references should conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, latest edition).

Format text and paragraph of references:

  • FONT: 10-point – ARIAL;
  • spacing 1,15 (MS OFFICE 97-2003) or 14 point (MS OFFICE 2010-2013 or MS OFFICE 365).
  • Indentation first line 1 cm before other lines

It is the author´s responsibility to ensure that where copyright materials are included within an article the permission of the copyright holder has been obtained.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.