Personality Traits and Compulsive Use of Social Media Among Youth


  • Farhan Ahmad Faiz Assistant Professor, School of Sociology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
  • Tauheed Zahra Ph.D. Scholar, School of Sociology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
  • Humaira Khalid BS Student, School of Sociology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad


Social Media, Smart Phone, Personality Traits, Youth, Technology, Generation, Compulsive, Adulthood, Phenomena, Categorical, Behavior


The study aims to examine the role of personality traits in promoting compulsive use of smartphones; and affecting the social functioning, of university students. Total 300 students were selected from different private and government institutes of Lahore through Multistage sampling, Big Five Inventory-K (Beatrice Rammstedt, 2013), Smartphone Addiction Scale (Kwon et al., 2013), Social Functioning Questionnaire (Tyre et al., 2005), were administered respectively to explore the relationship in personality traits; compulsive use of smartphone and social functioning in young adults and how do they affect differently to male and female. In addition to that, Personality traits were examined to check their likelihood of predicting compulsive use of smartphones and social functioning in young adults. Pearson product-moment correlation revealed that Extraversion has a negative relationship with the compulsive use smartphones and a positive correlation with social functioning. Agreeableness and Conscientiousness have a positive
correlation with the compulsive use of smartphones and social functioning. A negative correlation of Neuroticism and Openness with compulsive use of smartphone was found while there was a negative correlation in Neuroticism and individual’s Social Functioning. Also, Social Functioning and Openness were found positively correlated. Men are more likely to use social media applications as compared to women. Moreover, a positive correlation between compulsive use of smartphone and social functioning was also observed. Multiple Hierarchal Regression also revealed that Openness was the strongest negative predictor of compulsive use of smartphones.




How to Cite

Farhan Ahmad Faiz, Tauheed Zahra, & Humaira Khalid. (2023). Personality Traits and Compulsive Use of Social Media Among Youth. Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language (PJSEL), 9(2), 470–485. Retrieved from