Conceptualization of Ideas Through Novel Metaphors in Hayley Long’s Sophie Someone


  • Nimrah Nazim MPhil Scholar, Department of English, Air University, Islamabad
  • Maria Kalsoom MPhil Scholar, Department of English, Air University, Islamabad
  • Farzana Masroor Tenured Associate Professor, Department of English, Air University, Islamabad


conceptual metaphor; novel metaphors; cognition; Sophie Someone; language and thought


Metaphors for most of the traditional rhetoric have been defined as a figure of speech through which writers equate one thing with another by directly comparing them. Traditionally, metaphors have been analyzed on the linguistic plain, based on their literariness. However, lately, their relationship with human cognition has been established. This idea led to the postulation of the Theory of Cognitive/ Conceptual Metaphors which stated that metaphors are not simply linguistic but the cognitive conceptualization of one concept into another to make sense of it. Some conceptual metaphors are hard to map and create uniqueness in the literary work that they are being used in. Hayley Long’s Sophie Someone makes use of novel conceptual metaphors to create a metaphorically deviant work that functions as codes, and by decoding them the complete meaning is drawn. The current study aimed to contextualize the selected novel conceptual metaphors from Sophie Someone, analyze these metaphors, and unpack the significance of the selected conceptual metaphors. The results show that the novel conceptual metaphors not only add to the style of the novel but also are closely related to Sophie’s cognition and are in accordance with how Sophie sees the world from her standpoint. The findings of the study will be useful for later studies on the analysis of novel metaphors in different pieces of literature.




How to Cite

Nimrah Nazim, Maria Kalsoom, & Farzana Masroor. (2023). Conceptualization of Ideas Through Novel Metaphors in Hayley Long’s Sophie Someone. Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language (PJSEL), 10(1), 50–59. Retrieved from